
This page is a sponsored page. It will give information about companies manufacturing quality Ayurvedic products, information about generic and proprietary Ayurvedic drugs.



Sukrut Agencies is a distribution agency. It supplies highest quality generic and proprietary Ayurvedic drugs. It also deals in good quality and nourishing food supplements.


Dr. Kelkar prepares high quality Ayurvedic preparations which are time tested and are in use for many years. Also these preparations are proven for their effectiveness. These are Dr. Kelkar's own preparations and are not available in market. But they are available at his clinic. These include-

1. Special Chyavanprash- Enriched with natural calcium and iron.

2. Kuntal-Sneha Hair oil - very effective in hair fall, dandruff, sleeplessness and other hair problems.

3. Sugandhi Aushadhi Shikekai- A very effective natural herbal preparation (in powder form) for hair wash. Leaves a cool, pleasant fragrance to the hair. prevents hair loss. Induces good sleep. Very effective in dandruff.

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